Tuesday, August 21, 2007

An Inconviniet Truth

The Most striking scene in the movie.

For me the most striving scene in the movie is when former President Al Gore show the effects of Global Warming. Of course it was not just for me but a world wide warning. Each of us must do something about it or else all of us will suffer in the near future. Actually, as of now, we are already encountering the effects of Global Warming and I can say that it really does a great damage and effect in our personal lives. All of us are affected, so why do have to wait that all the effects of this so called Global Warming destroy us. A lot of people will say that they can't help because they don't know waht to do. But thats the use of this warnings. Better do something today before its too late.

Your feelings and emotions while watching the movie.

While I'm watching the movie I realize somethungs that I am doing. Those things that contributes to Global Warming. I feel bad that I a m one of the contributors of the mentioned causes of Global Warming. I told to my self that from now on I will not just avoid but actually don't do the things that I am doing before that little by little destroy the world.

Your realization after watching the movie.

I've realize that there was really some people that really don't care about the world. Because of this they are not aware that they are starting to destroy the world that we are living in. But the worst thing that I've realized is that there are some that was aware of what they are doing but stiill don't do something about it.

7th Meeting

Review the results of your personal health assessment and write your realizations and plans about your health in your journal.

Everyone should be healthy not only in their physical aspects but also mental, spiritual, and social aspects. Each of us must take a time to keep our selves healthy and in good condition. It will surely help us to do our daily activities in life. It will also help us to be successful in life now and in the future. Having a healthy way of living creates a beutiful tomorrow.
a. What challenge did you take?

I take the challenge of telling the truth not just once but at all times.

b. Were you able to do the challenge? How do you feel about it?

Yes!!! I'm glad and felt very proud of my self having this challege done. It was really nice to know that a person is honest but its even nicer to found out that you can also be like them. Being honest is really not a challenge for us. It was a gift that God has given us. Each of us have this characteristics it was just that some don't give importance to this. Remember that its not bad to tell the truth only evil people thinks that its not good...(heheheh)

c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?

I realize that it was not hard to be honest. Being honest makes our lives more interesting and fun. You really don't have to strive hard to be honest. Just live your life with God and he will lead you to the right path of life. Take God as your model and inspiration. Never say you can't do something. Remember that if you thinks that being honest is impossible for a person like you, close your eyes take a deep breath and say, "God, I know you will not leave me". Because there is no impossible things with God with you.