Sunday, September 2, 2007

10th Meeting

1. Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.

I remember when we had our family reunion in Tagaytay last 2004 I have experienced negative peer pressure.
After the said party, my uncles, almost the same age as I am, my sister, and I decided to sleep at my "tita Grandmother's house" at Antipolo City. At the time we stayed their, we have decided to go in Levis where in party people go and decided to try something to for our age. Supposed to be, we are to drink alcoholic beverages but the waiter told as that it is not allowed. But it don't stop their. We just decided to go home and buy some bottles of alcoholic drink at a convinient store. At my tita's house, we drink their.

2. How did you react to it? Why?

I join them because if I will not do it I think, for me, I will missed one exciting part of my life (heheheh) and besides, if I will not join them they will probably call me "kill joy".

3. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?

I think my decision is okey. Even though I join them in that "session" I don't allow my self to drink so much. I just drink a little of it.

4. What have you learned/realized from your experience?

Actually I even don't feel drunk that time. With that situation, I have proved to myself that I have self control and I'm not fully influenced by the people around me. I know what are those things that I have to do and those things that I should avoid.

5th Meeting

One of the most challenging thing I have ever done in my high school life is that I have finished my secondary year. Being on stage, having my high school diploma and the fact that my name was mentioned as one of the graduates during that time is really a good thing and I can say that its my accomplishment in life as I continue my journey to success.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

An Inconviniet Truth

The Most striking scene in the movie.

For me the most striving scene in the movie is when former President Al Gore show the effects of Global Warming. Of course it was not just for me but a world wide warning. Each of us must do something about it or else all of us will suffer in the near future. Actually, as of now, we are already encountering the effects of Global Warming and I can say that it really does a great damage and effect in our personal lives. All of us are affected, so why do have to wait that all the effects of this so called Global Warming destroy us. A lot of people will say that they can't help because they don't know waht to do. But thats the use of this warnings. Better do something today before its too late.

Your feelings and emotions while watching the movie.

While I'm watching the movie I realize somethungs that I am doing. Those things that contributes to Global Warming. I feel bad that I a m one of the contributors of the mentioned causes of Global Warming. I told to my self that from now on I will not just avoid but actually don't do the things that I am doing before that little by little destroy the world.

Your realization after watching the movie.

I've realize that there was really some people that really don't care about the world. Because of this they are not aware that they are starting to destroy the world that we are living in. But the worst thing that I've realized is that there are some that was aware of what they are doing but stiill don't do something about it.

7th Meeting

Review the results of your personal health assessment and write your realizations and plans about your health in your journal.

Everyone should be healthy not only in their physical aspects but also mental, spiritual, and social aspects. Each of us must take a time to keep our selves healthy and in good condition. It will surely help us to do our daily activities in life. It will also help us to be successful in life now and in the future. Having a healthy way of living creates a beutiful tomorrow.
a. What challenge did you take?

I take the challenge of telling the truth not just once but at all times.

b. Were you able to do the challenge? How do you feel about it?

Yes!!! I'm glad and felt very proud of my self having this challege done. It was really nice to know that a person is honest but its even nicer to found out that you can also be like them. Being honest is really not a challenge for us. It was a gift that God has given us. Each of us have this characteristics it was just that some don't give importance to this. Remember that its not bad to tell the truth only evil people thinks that its not good...(heheheh)

c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?

I realize that it was not hard to be honest. Being honest makes our lives more interesting and fun. You really don't have to strive hard to be honest. Just live your life with God and he will lead you to the right path of life. Take God as your model and inspiration. Never say you can't do something. Remember that if you thinks that being honest is impossible for a person like you, close your eyes take a deep breath and say, "God, I know you will not leave me". Because there is no impossible things with God with you.

Friday, July 20, 2007


1. Write your thoughts/reflection about the Freshmen Night using the guide questions below:

a. What were the things, scenes and events you have seen during the Freshmen Night?

I've seen people enjoying the musics performed by the bands. Some students just stay at the side, sit in their and enjoy laughing and talking with each other (chit-chat!!!). While some, like us, we enjoy going around the campus.

b. What were your feelings/emotions during the event?

I feel very happy but in some way, I feel so lonely. I do feel happy because I enjoy being with my new friends. But what makes me sad, is that, whenever we talk about of some crazy things, I remember my friends at my former school. I always imagine my self being with them. That makes me feel bad cause I know that those days will never happen again. If ever that it do, maybe after a long time. It was just I value them a lot, specially my "bestfriends".

c. What did you like most about the event?

What did I like most about the event? hmmm... I guess it was the precious time that I have spent with my new friends. It was a short time but atleast we have our bonding time. That makes that day great!!!

d. What did you dislike during the event?

Honestly speaking, I hate the way some students behave. During the party, while everybody are enjoying the live performamce of the bands, there was this students who smokes. As far as I know, smoking is not allowed inside the campus. And besides I really hate the smell and the smoke that comes from the cigarrette. I was just wondering why some of us loves smoking? Do they really want their lives to be miserable?... If that so... then maybe thay have to make their own place that wont affect other people who loves their lives.

e. What have you realized/learned from this experience?

Seeing those people who loves smoking makes me realize that there was really those people who doesn't love their selves. Because if they love themselves then they should have do only those things that will make them healthy and avoid things that will harm their physical status. And I feel so bad for them.I just hope that they are aware of the effects of their habits.

f. Any remarks for the MCL administrators.

All I can say is "merci est de benisse... abientot!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?

It was great!!!really...

In my first week at MCL I have meet a lot of new friends, former friends, classmates and schoolmates. I enjoy the beutiful facilities. My classmates were all friendly and my professors are all approachable.

2. How do you feel about your teachers and schoolmates? How do you find your courses? What sort of adjustment you still have to meet in terms of your academics, emotions and social involvement?

I feel good being with my classmates. But of course I relly can't deny that I feel even more comfortable with my high school friends. Of course we've been together since first year high school. Maybe that was the reason why I do feel much easy being with them. But I guess it was just a matter of time. I terms of my teachers, they're all approachable.Courses? I guess I just need to adjust in time management.


1. How does Values Education work to your advantage?

Values Education helps me to developed my moral and values in life. It also help me to know how to interact with the people around me with different characteristics. It encourage me to become more faithful to God and be proud of my self!!!

2. After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?

In my first few weeks in MCL I've learned to become more aware to the attitudes of other people. This behavior would probably help me to adjust to my new environment in college. As we all know being aware to different attitudes will help us become more effective in terms of communication. The means of communication, I guess, will be my first priorityto my adjustment. With communication I will be able to know everything that I have to learn and do to become more comfortable and in control of my college activities.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

dealing with MCL community...

Honestly that won't be hard for me. To those people who are really close to me, I know they already know that I'm not the kind of person who is hard to be with. Giving respect to them specially to those who are older than I am. Greeting them with a lovely smile!!! Saying the most famous words, good morning "po", etc. is the most thing that I could possibly give to them. Being nice to them at all times even at the most embarrassing moment of my life.

for comments and suggestions....

A'm I to accept or not?!!!

Of course I will accept their suggestions if and only if they will tell it to me in a nice and respectful way. I hate those people who don't give respect to others. I believe that if you want other people to respect you, then show respect to them!!! Anyway, every single suggestions and comments are welcome.

when they ask me to do what I don't want to do...

It depends to the given task. If its really bad, I wont rally do it!!! I will not try to do something about it!!! I will tell them the fact that I believe about it!!! But in the other hand. If it will help me as well as the people around me, then of course I will try to do something about it. But in reality, they have to respect whatever decision I want to make!!!

when I commit a mistake...

Ok...I mean it!!! I wont give any alibis just to cover my mistake. I will accept whatever consequences that I deserve. Anyway, committing a mistake would help me to developed my own personalities. It's learning from your mistake!!! But of course , as what they are saying. Its better to learn from others mistake. It is less painful!?!... (tama ba naman daw yun!!!heheheh)

giving my suggestions...

It won't be so easy to express my suggestions if nobody's listening!! Who would like to speak in front, giving your suggestions and then you'll see the people around you are not paying attention. If that happened. I won't accept if they will decided to reject my suggestion. How come for them to find that my idea is not good if they don't have any idea about it? I guest it would be well heartedly accepted for them to reject my suggestion if I've seen them listening to me and trying to understand what I am saying. But of course, It would be much better if atleast they will try my suggestion before deciding if they were to reject or accept it.

expressing my opinions...

Actually, I'm really not fun of giving my own idea, unless I was told to do so. Eventually, when I come to that point that I was expressing my ideas and opinions, I want them to show respect. I want them to listen in what I am saying. Be quiet enough to analyze the thought that I was trying to give them. I hope that won't be that hard for them. We were already in college and old enough to act like a real professionals!!!

when I made a mistake during recitation...

I want my classmates to show their real reactions. For me its better than they do it at my back. If they want to laugh at me, then go!!! It really doesn't matter at all. Nobody is perfect!!! That's the simplest explanation that I can give. But of course, they have to know their limitations not to the point that they were to step at someone's dignity...

This is the Way I Want You to Treat Me...

Just like the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Of course I want them to treat me nice. Just like the way the I get along with them. As what I have said in my previous post, I don't want those people who is a back fighter. I just want them to show who they really are. At the fact that they have to learn to get along with other people. Well, its not just me that they have to communicate with. So better treat me nice or be ready for "KARMA". If not cause by me, obviously, by hose people who are crazier than I am. So watch your moves. Be responsible enough. Always remember that what you do to your fellowmen, you also do it to God.

My Positive Characteristics and My Qualities...

For my positive trait, I really feel so proud of it. Of course not everybody has the characteristics that I have. Yes. There were lots of people who are friendly. But do you ever wonder if the attitude that they were trying to impose you is true?...Thats my difference above them. When I say that I'm friendly. I really mean it! Yes, I'm a shy type person, but that was just if we're not that close. I make sure that if we'll be friends then you and I should be comfortable being together. I don't like those people who are "back fighter" that why I don't do it to other people. Just like the golden rule, Don't do uto others what you don't want others to do unto you.